Saturday, January 2, 2010

This is Wilbur. Wilbur works at the junkyard in Phoenixville and was waiting for his bus when we met. I was telling him I always enjoyed my trips to the junkyard and he told me how to get to the Phoenixville yard. I will probably meet Wilbur again when I visit. (Great place to take pictures by the way).
(I had to fix the background it was bothering me. Thank you Kimbomac.)


  1. Great portrait! I hope you find him and give him a copy of it, he'd love it. The detail and texture are perfect, and you've really captured his eyes wonderfully.

  2. Wow, Rick, this is fantastic. I'm so excited to see more of your portraiture.

  3. Beautiful job. I love how you got so much depth in his face. really nice portrait!

  4. Fabulous photo, Rick!! Outstanding toning, wonderful expression and exquisite detail. I know I'm going to love watching this 31 day blog evolve. :)

  5. A truly great portrait, I am so looking forward to your month.

  6. This is fabulous. I love how he is looking directly at us, but very calmly and without a trace of trepidation. He looks like a peaceful soul. And yes, do take him a copy, he (or at least his wife) will be thrilled. If you continue to find such interesting faces for a whole month, I am going to be very impressed.
