Monday, January 11, 2010

This is Rick. Rick was out wandering the streets in the freezing cold trying to find someone who would let him take their picture. He was unsuccessful today so he is resorting to a self-portrait.


  1. I love your topic. It's a great way to meet people and see what life is about to others.

  2. Rick you are a funny man indeed.
    Wow it looks so cold there, I'm glad to see you are well wrapped up against the bitter looking weather.
    Nice eyes!!!

  3. Rick, I admire your resolve in going out in what looks like really cold weather to get your wonderful photos of people. I'll bet, though, that most people are staying in!

  4. I`m so pleased you did not let the cold and the lack of people stop you from posting today. Glad you bundled up!

  5. I'm really enjoying this series of photos. I love coming here to read the stories behind the faces. It's a great thing you're doing too.

    How many people give you a strage 'hell no' look when you ask to photograph them? Or do they generally say ok?

  6. There are quite a few who don't want their picture taken. That's what makes it a challenge I guess... ;)

  7. I was wondering what the sad dissapointment in his eyes was :P I want to think you put that on for the photo, so it's not so harsh.

  8. I was mostly disappointed I couldn't convince Nel (Nel is living in a laundromat) to let me photograph him so I had to resort to my back-up plan...

  9. Looks like you're doing a double challenge here... fighting the cold as well as enticing strangers to get their photos taken. Your back-up plan is an great shot!
